Alison Coker


AS in Dental Hygiene
Remington College

What (or who) inspired you to get into dentistry? How so?

My grandparents grew up in the post-depression era and had to have dentures at a young age. I saw how much that affected their confidence and overall life. That inspired me to help others maintain a healthy smile!

What famous person (alive or dead) is your dream dental patient? Why?

Ryan Gosling, because have you seen him?

What’s your dream toothpaste flavor?

Strawberry ice cream

How do you recharge after a long week? What’s your go-to activity for hitting the restart button?

A bubble bath with a glass of wine.

In another life, if you weren’t working in dentistry, what would you be doing?

A vet

When I’m in the patient chair, I’m probably grooving to {blank} in my headphones.

Taylor Swift

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