Most people either loved going to the dentist as a kid—or absolutely hated it. Where did you fall? How come?
I loved going to the dentist. I always dreamed of being in the dental field because of how much I loved the office as a child. I loved the feeling of clean teeth and never having cavities!
What (or who) inspired you to get into dentistry? How so?
My pediatric dentist. He made it such a welcoming, fun place. As a kid he made my experience so positive it stuck with me through my adulthood.
What’s the most rewarding part of your job?
Helping members elevate their oral health and create confidence with healthy, beautiful smiles.
What’s your dream toothpaste flavor?
Honestly banana split because I used to LOVE the banana split fluoride tray foam.
What’s something your patients might be surprised to learn about you?
I have a dog named Luna who looks like a lab puppy and I clean her teeth too!
How do you recharge after a long week? What’s your go-to activity for hitting the restart button?
Going to the gym and trying new restaurants.
What dental stereotype are you most passionate about changing?
Pain and fear associated with the dentist and hygiene visits.
What is the absolute coolest thing about the human mouth?
Its ability to heal if taken care of!
In another life, if you weren’t working in dentistry, what would you be doing?
Being a barista and making the world smile with caffeine.
What’s something that really, really, really makes you smile? Like, really?
When I see my patients smile after being in my chair.
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