Katie Kosches DentalHygienist

Katie Kosches


AAS in Dental Hygiene
Stanford-Brown College

What (or who) inspired you to get into dentistry? How so? My orthodontist, Dr. Brilliant (her actual name!), inspired me to get into dentistry. I worked in her office after completing my ortho treatment and fell in love with the environment and the field. She is the true definition of a person who started from the ground up. She was my mentor, and I still admire her hard work and accomplishments to this day.

What’s the most rewarding part of your job? Seeing my patients smile and thank me after their visit, especially the ones who come in with dental anxiety.

What’s something your patients might be surprised to learn about you? I've tried out for American Idol, TWICE!

How do you recharge after a long week? What’s your go-to activity for hitting the restart button? A little yoga and a massage always does the trick! I also love to travel to decompress.

What dental stereotype are you most passionate about changing? That visiting the dentist is an overall negative experience. It's not! In addition to being dental professionals, we are human! I think it's so crucial to show patients that the dentist is not a "scary place" but rather a safe and welcoming one.

In another life, if you weren’t working in dentistry, what would you be doing? I would love to give people make-overs. I would enjoy styling people head to toe, changing up their look completely.

What’s something that really, really, really makes you smile? Like, really? Making friends laugh ... but also diamonds, puppies, and Chanel!

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