Seara Kang


English, Korean
AAS in Dental Hygiene
NYU School of Dentistry

Most people either loved going to the dentist as a kid—or absolutely hated it. Where did you fall? How come?

As a kid, I never liked going to the dentist and my biggest fear was rooted in not knowing why I need certain treatments. That's why I like to share everything I see with my patients; what we look for in the x-rays, why we get bleeding gums, what can be done, pros and cons, etc.

What’s the most rewarding part of your job?

When patients say "Nobody explained this to me better." I find using an analogy is a great tool when it comes to explaining teeth and gum.

What’s something your patients might be surprised to learn about you?

I've piloted an airplane before

How do you recharge after a long week? What’s your go-to activity for hitting the restart button?

Tennis and golf or video games.

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