Sebastian Paredes DentalHygienist

Sebastian Paredes


English, Spanish
AAS in Dental Hygiene
Harcum College

Most people either loved going to the dentist as a kid—or absolutely hated it. Where did you fall? How come? I've always loved going to the dentist. It helped that my aunt was my dentist, so I would go to her for my regular checkups. Thankfully I never had a “bad” experience. And as a curious kid, I saw and enjoyed every step of my appointments.

What’s the most rewarding part of your job? Knowing my patients are satisfied with my work—as well as being part of a team that turns into a work family.

What’s something your patients might be surprised to learn about you? I can move my ears! I also had the honor to volunteer for a charity in Ecuador after receiving my hygiene degree in 2016.

How do you recharge after a long week? What’s your go-to activity for hitting the restart button? To recharge, I turn my home into a mini spa. I turn on my foot and back massagers and light candles, and I try to rest my mind and body. Sometimes I will practice yoga as well while trying to process the week.

What is the absolute coolest thing about the human mouth? Enamel: it's the hardest thing in the human body, and I get to help protect it!

What’s something that really, really, really makes you smile? Like, really? What really makes me smile is seeing humans respect Mother Earth (like when they pick up their own trash), as well as seeing people treat others with respect, dignity, and equality.

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