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Accepting most major insurances

Boston, get all your dental care under one roof

Dental exams, orthodontics, emergencies, and more—we’ll take care of you. With no judgment, ever.
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Woman smiling

Dental Exam

Cleaning, x-rays, and oral exam.
Woman smiling


Breezy Braces® and  Invisalign Aligners.
Man upset because his mouth hurts


Urgent visits for pain, cracked teeth, and more.

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Experience dental done differently at our 2 Boston locations

Top-rated dentists and orthodontists

Most insurance accepted 

State-of-the-art technology

Beautiful, modern studios

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Check if your insurance is accepted

Curious if insurance will cover your checkup? We can tell you in just a few seconds.

Unfortunately, there are some dental insurance plans we don’t accept, including Medicaid, Medicare Advantage, Healthplex, HMOs, DMOs, and others. If we don’t take yours, we’ll contact you ahead of your visit.

At Tend, every mouth is welcome, so come see us!

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(212) 406-3686




© Tend, 2024

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