Seltzer: How Bad Is It?
In our “How Bad Is It?” series, we answer your cringing questions about whether something you’ve done, or do everyday, is bad for your oral health (or completely harmless).
It’s hard to crack open your third (or fourth, or fifth…) can of the day and not feel a little worried that seltzer drinking could be damaging your teeth. What’s actually in seltzer? And does it matter for your oral health?
To find out just how bad—or not—a sparkling water bent can be, we sat down with Dr. Marc Schlenoff, Tend’s Head of Clinical Development.
Seltzer drinking isn’t something to lose sleep over
Compared to drinking soda and other not-so-great-for-you sugary drinks like fruit juice, drinking sparkling water “isn’t really something to worry about,” says Dr. Schlenoff.
Unless your seltzer contains citric acid
When it comes to your dental care, the danger of many canned and bottled drinks (even the sugar-free ones), is mostly centered on a single ingredient: citric acid. Citric acid is naturally found in citrus fruits, and an artificial version is commonly used as a preservative and flavor-enhancer in some of America’s favorite bevvies.
Citric acid erodes tooth enamel
By lowering the pH of your mouth, citric acid can erode your enamel. Combine that with another popular ingredient—sugar—as many soft drinks do, and, according to Dr. Schlenoff, you’ve got the “perfect conditions for tooth decay and tooth erosion.”
Seltzer water is more acidic than plain water
“Part of the seltzer-making process involves mixing water with carbon dioxide, which turns into carbonic acid,” explains Dr. Schlenoff. (That’s the “carbon” in “carbonated beverages”—what creates the “fizz” in fizzy water or club soda. “So there’s a little bit of acidity that’s brought into the mix.” The acidic environment that’s created is one reason seltzer and other acidic drinks taste so good.
But only slightly
Still, the acidity “isn’t dramatic,” says Dr. Schlenoff, though he cautions that seltzer companies don’t share the exact pH levels of their products with the public, so it’s hard to know what the long-term effects of drinking them will be.
To play it safe, swish with regular water
“All it takes is a swish of water to rebalance the pH of your mouth,” says Dr. Schlenoff. This small behavior can have a big payoff for your dental health.
So after you get your carbonated water fix, swish with tap water for a few seconds to bring your mouth’s pH level back to normal. But before you do anything else, check your favorite brand’s ingredient list, paying attention to sweeteners and flavor enhancers. If you see citric acid or sugar, pour yourself some still water instead.
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